Alina has fallen in love in Volodju at first sight. That evening on a visit it could not look away from the courageous man with a guitar which so pathetically sang songs of known bards. "The person who so sings, probably, in the past at it happens a serious shock, a love drama". - we think. Also we appear are right.
Girlfriends have hinted the girl that Volodja not the best variant for serious relations, but it has not confused her. They met about two weeks when at the height of a romantic supper of Volodja has said: "it seems To me, you do not need to bleach a teeth". Alina was so is dumbfounded that was not at all what to answer. Soon similar remarks became norm. Volodja it is a lot of and often criticised the girl, pointing out the defects and when Alina tried to object, reproached with an excessive emotionality. Last drop of a steel of its word: "it is unessential to Girls to understand in something, you have other talents" when Alina has informed that it was promoted.
Why to build relations with some men so it is difficult, despite diligence? Let's understand, who such misogynists and whether it is possible to re-educate them?
Why they do not love us? Psychologists say that some men start to dislike women at all because they cool and callous. On the contrary, most likely they sensitive and even the vulnerable. Simply their vital circumstances have developed not in the best way. More often misogynists become after change favourite. The man starts to think that all women identical. The man can become angry to all female and consequently that any woman has substituted or has bypassed it on work. Happens that bad the girl to the man has not made anything, but the father or the friend do not get tired to remind it, what women artful beings.
To change such man it is possible, but only in the event that you really love it. But at all by means of the raised care, tenderness and attention. After all it already passed. Your elect and has not overcome the mistrust to women and to you personally, the truth? Psychologists advise попробывать other methods.
- Appreciate itself! At all do not give to the partner with its unreasonable criticism and charges "to reach itself". Try to keep a self-trust. When he in something will accuse you next time, easy tell that its words are unfair also you do not intend to listen to such charges henceforth.
- Talk to it resolutely. Without special emotions. Let he realises that if will not change, you will leave. Tell that you sympathise with it but more to ego-trip at own expense you will not allow. Explain on concrete examples that in your relations does not arrange.
- Suggest it to address to the psychologist. Tell that you value your relations and if it is necessary, is ready to go with it.
I wish Good luck and Mutual understanding.
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