Numerous sites of acquaintances dazzle with announcements. Sharp place the questionnaires on slightly different sites simultaneously. Persistent, without feeling sorry for money, lift the questionnaires for the top lines in 2-3 days. Beautiful hope for professional photos. Ladies bare the most attractive parts of a body, talently accept seductive poses of mermaids, unostentatiously lap in foam of waves. Apollos, slightly straining muscles, invite companions to spend unforgettable nights. Alas, in a century of the Internet and a mobile communication the few find that searched.
What do they search? Women one and only, a half. The one who will be soul and a body to deliver pleasure and comfort in a family to cultivate and lead up to mind not numerous, but ambitious posterity.
Men want under recommendation of one our authoritative writer to find according to the status the beauty-woman and more likely to try it on the nearest horizontal soft place. And then, as God willing. It also gives, but for some reason not how it would be desirable, and not to the one who most of all tries. Why it is impossible, though like pecks also fishes full?
1). Questionnaires empty. Only a photo look. Here it (it. Solve a riddle. You will guess – there will be a prize! Alas, the people guess badly.
2). Questionnaires not the fair. Someone uses a photo of known and unknown actors. Someone says lies on pages, trying to involve a maximum of partners, hoping that sljubitsja-will be endured.
3). Owners of questionnaires fair, modest and timid, cannot squeeze out from themselves the information, being afraid that they are learnt by neighbours or colleagues, and will judge.
4). Owners of questionnaires the inscrutable. For example, write about the preferences that like to travel. Only then it appears that prefer to do it aboard and to live comfortably in expensive hotel. On the other hand the partner can imagine travel as the pedestrian route, nights in mountain wood at a fire with songs and mosquitoes...
It is possible to result tens examples of how sexual giants appear in actual fact dwarfs, businessmen – washermen of a car, passionate women cold Atlantic herrings.
What to do? To risk. To risk as much as possible. To become as much as possible frank. To open itself from different directions. To underline those qualities for which you, dear friends, it is possible to love. Be not afraid of sidelong glances of friends and acquaintances, after all on scales YOUR LIFE. Can be today, now will flash and that person to whom you so aspired will disappear. He can not notice you if to it will seem that your spiritual life is worthless or empty. It is necessary to fill questionnaires to edges, as a bowl with wine which bring to the dear visitor. Photos let will show your individuality. Meet half-way each other. Show politeness and desire to glance in the person. The present riches there disappear. Open in front of the probable companion your best spiritual qualities, love and tenderness, courage and reliability. Communicate as much as possible frankly, in it too there is a wisdom. Remember that here there are no trifles. They are sometimes very important. Someone can like such trifle, as in one of questionnaires: the woman wrote that it has pets, but she considers also as the pets of titmouses who sit down on its window sill. She wrote that very much them loves. And to someone this trifle will get to heart. Also write further about happiness...
To enter into the woman (man) for the night, there is enough smile, liking, music and a wine glass. To enter into the woman (man) for a long time, it is necessary to open the internal inner world. Charms of spirituality, love and good are very strong. They draw to themselves, and there is no possibility to resist to them. Show that you from yourselves represent now. If you still have lacks, show that you wish to change yourselves, all bad, and that the love will change you to the best.
Good luck on sites of acquaintances, dear friends!
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